Description of the collection

Viktor Petrov’s Archive Description

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1 Personal documents of V.P. Petrov. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1
1 1/1 1) Record Sheet for Personnel Accounting. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/1
1 1/2 2) Autobiography, 1956. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/2
1 1/3 3) Various identity cards. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/3
1 1/4 4) Medical documents. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/4
1 1/5 5) Tickets, invitations. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/5
1 1/6 6) Medical records. Telegrams, condolences. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/6
1 1/7 7) Letters of request for financial assistance. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/7
1 1/8 8) Documents on the celebration of anniversaries of V. Petrov after his death. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/8
1 1/9 9) Act on the transfer of V. Petrov’s archives to the Scientific Archives of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1970. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/9
1 1/10 10) Second copy. Act on the transfer of V. Petrov’s archive to the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1970. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 1/10
2 Documents of the 1920s and 1930s. Ethnographic Commission. Bulletins, other materials. 1928. 1932. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 2
3 Personal photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 3
4 V. Petrov – a member of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1950s – 1960s) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 4
4 4/1 1) Documents on work in the Slavic-Rusian Department. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 4/1
4 4/2 2) Documents from the Archive Management period. 1959. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 4/2
4 4/3 3) Requests to archives and museums. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 4/3
4 4/4 4) Publishing records. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 4/4
4 4/5 5) Feedback on works, reviews. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 4/5
4 4/6 6) Participation in conferences, invitations, onomastic commission of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Linguistics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 4/6
5 Defense of the thesis file. 1967 NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 5
5 5/1 Author’s abstract. V.P. Petrov, ‘Language. Ethnos. Folklore’. Abstract on the totality of the works for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 5/1
6 Marxist-Leninist classics on primitive society. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 6
7 Marxist-Leninist classics on primitive society (Chapters 3-4) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 7
8 Marxist-Leninist classics on primitive society (Chapters 4-7) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 8
9 Marxist-Leninist classics on primitive society (Chapters 8-9) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 9
10 10/1 1) Against the revision of Marx’s doctrine on tribal society. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 10/1
10 10/2 2) On the palaeontology of the words «l’ada» and «l’adyna». Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 10/2
11 From the class about the pre-class society. Hunting and farming cults. Folklore. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 11
12 Notes on the characteristics of socio-economic formations. Pt 1. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 12
12-a Notes on the characteristics of socio-economic formations. Pt 2. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 12-а
13 К. Marx. History of theories. Unpublished. Pt 1. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 13
14 К. Marx. History of theories. Unpublished. Pt 2. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 14
15 F. Engels. About the Tribal Order of the Ancient Germanic peoples. Monographic Study. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 15
16 F. Engels. About the Tribal Order of the Ancient Germanic peoples. Monographic Study. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 16
17 F. Engels. About the Tribal Order of the Ancient Germanic peoples. Monographic Study. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 17
18 F. Engels. About the Tribal Order of the Ancient Germanic peoples. The question on the land relations among the ancient Germans. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 18
19 19/1 1) The fire-cutting system of farming and the cult of fire. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 19/1
19 19/2 2) From the new literature on the tribal system of the ancient Germanic peoples. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 19/2
20 Maslovsky grave field on the Tovmach River. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 20
21 Maslovsky grave field on the Tovmach River. The card catalogue of burials. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 21
22 Maslovsky grave field on the Tovmach River. Based on the materials of excavations by P.I. Smolichev and S.S. Gamchenko in 1926, 1928 and 1929. Burial lists. Diary. Drawings on tracing paper. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 22
23 Maslovsky grave field on the Tovmach River. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 23
24 Periodisation of the Archaeological Science. Unpublished. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 24
25 Maslovo. Tovmatsky grave field. Pt II. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 25
26 Maslovsky grave field on the Tovmach River. Based on the materials of excavations by P.I. Smolichev and S.S. Gamchenko in 1926, 1928 and 1929. Report. Reviews. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 26
27 Maslovsky grave field on the Tovmach River. Based on the excavations by P.I. Smolichev and S.S. Gamchenko in 1926, 1928 and 1929. Copy for Materials and Studies on the Archaeology of the USSR №116. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 27
28 Maslovsky on the Tovmach River. Based on excavations by P.I. Smolichev and S.S. Gamchenko in 1926, 1928 and 1929. Illustrative material to Materials and Studies on the Archaeology of the USSR №116. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 28
29 Maslovsky on the Tovmach River. Based on excavations by P.I. Smolichev and S.S. Gamchenko in 1926, 1928 and 1929. Illustrative material to Materials and Studies on the Archaeology of the USSR №116. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 29
30 Theses of reports by various authors on Chernyakhiv culture. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 30
31 Materials of Chernyakhiv culture. Photos and drawings from the collection of the Historical Museum. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 31
32 Notes on the topic: «Ceramics and ceramic production of the Middle Dnipro region in the monuments of the Zarubyntsi and Chernyakhiv cultures». Photos, drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 32
33 Monuments of ‘The urnfields’ culture. Beginning. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 33
34 Monuments of ‘The urnfields’ culture. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 34
35 Pryvilne village. Extracts from reports by various authors (Hrinchenko, Kozar, Feshchenko). Drawings, photos, negatives. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 35
36 Chernyakhiv culture. Ceramics. Dnipro-Dniester. Extracts, drawings, photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 36
37 Chernyakhiv culture. Ceramics. Dnipro-Dniester. Extracts, drawings, photos. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 37
38 Chernyakhiv culture. Dating of the final phase. Bibliography. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 38
39 Short report on excavations in 1956 in Mykolaivka village, Cherkasy region. Ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 39
40 Chernyakhiv grave field. Pictures. Photos. Negatives. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 40
41 Materials for the «Chernyakhiv grave field» article. Materials and Studies on the Archaeology of the USSR №116, Part I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 41
42 Chernyakhiv culture. Extracts. Drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 42
43 Extracts from articles by foreign authors. Materials for the article «Chernyakhiv grave field». Drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 43
44 Chernyakhiv grave field. Chapter 1. Introduction. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 44
45 Chernyakhiv grave field. Chapter 2. Materials and Studies on the Archaeology of the USSR №116. Photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 45
46 Chernyakhiv grave field. Burials. Chapter 2. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 46
47 Chernyakhiv grave field. Drawings. Ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 47
48 Chernyakhiv grave field. Drawings. Photos. Ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 48
49 Chernyakhiv grave field. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 49
50 Settlement and grave field near the village of Pryvolne, Zaporizhzhia region. Photo. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 50
51 The Kosaniv grave field. Text and photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 51
52 Extracts of monuments after the Chernyakhiv period in Potesmyno. Penkivka, Luh. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 52
53 Chernyakhiv culture. Extracts. Drawings. Photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 53
54 Stetzovka. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 54
55 Stetzovka. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 55
56 Stetzovka. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 56
57 Fibulas. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 57
58 Fibulas. Photos (6 copies). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 58
59 Fibulas of the Chernyakhiv grave field. Photo. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 59
60 Fibulas of the Chernyakhiv grave field. Photo. Description. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 60
61 Fibulas. Extracts from various authors. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 61
62 Fibulas. Extracts, drawings, photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 62
63 Buckles, extracts, drawings, photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 63
64 Glass. Extracts, drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 64
65 Enamelled jewellery of the 4th-7th centuries in Eastern Europe. Drawings, photos. Unpublished. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 65
66 66/1 1. Chernyakhiv grave field. Extracts from S.V. Korshenko. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 66/1
66 66/2 2. Cherniakhivskyi cemetery. Register lists. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 66/2
67 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Extracts. Drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 67
68 To the article: «Zarubyntsi -Korchuvate culture in the Middle Dnipro region». Drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 68
69 Saltivsky grave field. Report for 1946. by S. Semenov-Zuser. Notes. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 69
70 Sharpivske settlement. Extracts. Photos. Drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 70
70-a Illustrative material for the article «Zarubyntsi grave field and monuments of the Zarubyntsi type» (based on materials by V.V. Khvoyka) Ceramics, fibulas. Tables, photos, drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 70-a
71 Zarubyntsi culture. Extracts, notes, photos, drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 71
72 Zarubyntsi culture. Photos, negatives. Ceramics, fibulas. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 72
73 73/1 1. To the question of studying the Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 73/1
73 73/2 2. Achievements and tasks of Soviet archaeology in the study of ‘The urnfield’ culture. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 73/2
74 Zarubyntsi culture. Notes, photos, drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 74
75 Lokhvytskyi grave field. Notes, drawings, blueprints, photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 75
76 Materials to the article «Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture in the Middle Dnipro and synchronous cultures of the neighbouring territories». NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 76
77 Materials to the article «Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture in the Middle Dnipro and synchronous cultures of the neighbouring territories». Bibliography. Notes. Drawings. Photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 77
78 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. Ceramics. Photos. Drawings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 78
79 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. Photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 79
80 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. Drawings. Registers. Notes. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 80
81 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. Illustrations. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 81
82 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. Extracts from reports. Drawings of ceramics. Lists to the tables. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 82
83 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. Extracts, drawings, photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 83
84 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. «Archaeology» vol. XII. Illustrations. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 84
85 Materials for «Zarubyntsi culture» publication. Tables. Notes. Photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 85
86 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 86
87 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Notes. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 87
88 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 88
89 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 89
90 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 90
91 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 91
92 Agricultural techniques of slash-and-burn farming. Drafts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 92
93 Slash-and-burn agriculture. List of the literature. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 93
94 Slash-and-burn agriculture and its vestiges in Ukraine. Introduction. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 94
95 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Introduction. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 95
96 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Chapters 1-2. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 96
97 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Chapters 5-7. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 97
98 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Chapters 1-6. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 98
99 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Chapters 7-8. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 99
100 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 100
101 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme ‘А-Б’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 101
102 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letters ‘В-Г’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 102
103 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letters ‘Д-К’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 103
104 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letters ‘К-Л’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 104
105 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letters ‘М-Н-О’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 105
106 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letter ‘П’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 106
107 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letter ‘Р’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 107
108 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letters ‘С-Т-Ф’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 108
109 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letter ‘Т-Э’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 109
110 Slash-and-burn agriculture. Extracts from various authors on the theme. Letter ‘Ц’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 110
111 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs» (Introduction). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 111
112 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs». (Linguistic sources – Pt.1) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 112
113 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs». (Linguistic sources – Pt.2) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 113
114 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs». (Written sources) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 114
115 The emergence of the Slavic language. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 115
116 To the question of the Origins and History of the Slavs (Theses). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 116
117 Runika. Writing. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 117
118 Extracts to the topic «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs». NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 118
119 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs» (hydronyms, summaries). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 119
120 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs» (hydronyms, 2nd copy). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 120
121 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs» (Scythians). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 121
122 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs». NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 122
122 (Introduction. The problem of periodisation) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 122
122 (Archaeology and linguistics) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 122
122 (Eneolithic cultures: Trypillian, Horodsko-Usativska, Sredniodniprovska). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 122
123 Materials for the monograph «Ethnogenesis of the Slavs» (Zarubyntsi and Chernyakhiv cultures). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 123
124 Materials of the Polissya expedition of 1936, Horodsk village (Korostyshiv district). Pt. 1. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 124
124 124/1 1. Trypillian culture NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 124
124 124/2 2. Settlements of the Early Slavic period. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 124
125 Materials of the Polissya expedition №2. «Ancient settlement in Horodske village». NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 125
126 Horodsk in Volyn 1936-1937. Addition. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 126
127 City feudal hillfort of the XI-XIII centuries (based on the materials of the archaeological expedition of 1936-1937) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 127
128 An early feudal cell in the vicinity of the Chervonogorsk hillfort (1937) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 128
129 Ceramics. To the question of the ethnicity of archaeological sites of the Lower Dnipro region. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 129
130 Materials for the chapter on Scythian problematics. Extracts from the literature. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 130
131 Scythians. Extracts from the literature. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 131
132 Scythians. Language. Notes. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 132
133 Scythians. Language. Ethnos. (Materials and extracts) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 133
134 Scythians. Language. Ethnos. (Materials and extracts). Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 134
135 Scythians. Language. Ethnos. (Materials and extracts). Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 135
136 Genealogical legend of the Scythians. Language. Ethnology. Drafts. Literature. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 136
137 Materials on the Scythian theme. Extracts NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 137
138 Materials on the Scythian theme. Extracts. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 138
139 Materials on the Scythian theme. Extracts. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 139
140 The Scythian legend and its basis. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 140
141 Scythians. Language. Ethnicity NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 141
142 Scythians. Language. Ethnicity. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 142
143 Scythians. Language. Ethnicity. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 143
144 Scythians. Language. Ethnicity. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 144
145 Scythians. Language. Ethnicity. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 145
146 Belgorod-Dnister expedition of 1954. Ancient Tyras. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 146
147 Names of the Old Slavic gods and their origin. Extracts. Text. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 147
148 Language and Society. Report of 1963 (unpublished). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 148
149 Ethnogenetics and Onomastics over 50 Years (1917-1957) (Unpublished). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 149
150 Kyivan Rus (Knyazha Hora; Rayki; collection of S.L. Drozdov). Photographic materials. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 150
151 Excavations of Plisnesk in 1940 (Halych). Notes. Kyivan Rus. Notes. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 151
152 Kyivan Rus NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 152
152 152/1 Photos from the first half of the 20th century. Kyiv, Raiki, and other places. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 152/1
152 152/2 Metal products from the times of Kyivan Rus. Collection of the Central Historical Museum. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 152/2
152 152/3 Kyivan Rus. Various photographs of objects. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 152/3
152 152/4 Photos of illustrations of the Radziwill Chronicle and others. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 152/4
153 Trading and crafts in Kievan Rus. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 153
154 Extracts from various authors on the topic ‘Kyiv’. D.V. Mileev, M. Oglobin, M.I. Petrov. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 154
155 Extracts from various authors on the topic ‘Kyiv’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 155
155 155/1 1) Volkov F.K. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 155/1
155 155/2 2) Welmin S. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 155/2
155 155/3 3) Voloshynsky Y.K. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 155/3
155 155/4 4) Golubeva L.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 155/4
155 155/5 5) Golubev S.T. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 155/5
156 Extracts to the topic ‘Kyiv’: Khoynovsky I.A. Excavations of the Grand Ducal Court. K. 1893. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 156
157 Kyiv – the suburbs: Zvirynets, Batyieva Gora, Kitayevo, Shchekavytsia. Extracts, photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 157
158 Old Kyiv. The manor of the Desyatynna Church. Extracts (history, sources, excavations, finds). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 158
159 Extracts on the topic ‘Kyiv’ from various magazines and newspapers. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 159
160 Extracts on the topic ‘Kyiv’ from the works of M. Bilyashivsky. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 160
161 Extracts to the topic ‘Kyiv’. Archaeological map of Kyiv: cultures and eras. (Pages 265-252- removed, included in the section ‘Moscow’) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 161
162 Extracts from various authors on the topic ‘Kyiv’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 162
162 162/1 1) Loshkarev P.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 162/1
162 162/2 2) Lebedintsev P.G. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 162/2
162 162/3 3) Laskoronsky V.G. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 162/3
162 162/4 4) Malyshevskyi I.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 162/4
163 Extracts to the topic ‘Kyiv’. About the origins of the city and its name. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 163
164 Kyiv – the city. Extracts, drawings, photos. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 164
164 164/1 1) Jewellery NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 164/1
164 164/2 2) Coins NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 164/2
164 164/3 3) Stamp NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 164/3
164 164/4 4) Weapons NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 164/4
164 164/5 5) Crosses NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 164/5
165 Extracts from V.B. Antonovych’s publication on archaeological finds in Kyiv. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 165
166 Extracts from reports by various authors. Separate notes. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 166
167 Report on explorations and excavations in Kyiv. Samoilovskyi, 1936. Biletskyi A.O. Theses of the report ‘On the General Theory of Personal Names’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 167
168 A brief description of Kyiv containing a historical list of this city, as well as its monuments and antiquities. Collected by counsellor Maxim Berlinsky. Saint Petersburg. 1820. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 168
169 Historical topography of Kyiv. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 169
170 Historical topography of Kyiv. Continuation. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 170
171 Notes on the topography of Kyiv. (№ 6, 14, 21, 22, 27, 32, 44, 48, 52, 57, 37, 42). Drawings on tracing paper. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 171
172 Materials for the archaeological map of Kyiv. Upper Kyiv. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 172
173 Archaeological map of Kyiv. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 173
174 Kyiv is a city. Buildings. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 174
175 Bibliography to the theme ‘Kyiv’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 175
176 Extracts to the topic ‘Kyiv’. Bibliography NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 176
177-a Book fragments. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 177-а
177-б Documents and materials collected by V. Petrov about Shchors. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 177-б
178 The Khazars in the Crimea. Khazar and Rus writing of the VI-IX centuries. Theses of the report (published). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 178
179 Separate prints with autographs (archeology). Letters Б-М. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 179
180 Separate prints with autographs (archeology). Letters П-Ф. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 180
181 The grammar: H. Hirt, K. Brugman. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 181
182 Extracts on the history of Kyiv for 1836, 1899, 1900 from the journals ‘Journal of the Ministry of Public Education’, ‘Archaeological chronicles of the south of Russia’, ‘Kyivskaya starina’. Article by M.Berlinskii ‘Brief description of Kiev, containing a historical catalogue of this city’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 182
183 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 183
183 183/1 1) Alikhova A.E. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 183/1
183 183/2 2) Andreas Alfoldi NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 183/2
183 183/3 3) Atlas historoques (Hantiquite) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 183/3
183 183/4 4) Artamonov M.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 183/4
184 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184
184 184/1 1. Babenchikov V.P. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/1
184 184/2 2. Bazylevych K.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/2
184 184/3 3. Belov G.D. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/3
184 184/4 4. Belts R. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/4
184 184/5 5. Bilyashivsky M.F. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/5
184 184/6 6. Berezovets D.T. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/6
184 184/7 7. Blavatsky V.D. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/7
184 184/8 8. Bobrynsky A.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/8
184 184/9 9. Bohusevich V.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 184/9
185 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 185
185 185/1 1. Bodyansky O. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 185/1
185 185/2 2. Braichevska A.T. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 185/2
185 185/3 3. Braichevsky M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 185/3
185 185/4 4. Bulichov N.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 185/4
185 185/5 5. Brandenburg. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 185/5
186 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186
186 186/1 1. Goncharov V.K. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/1
186 186/2 2. Voyevodsky M.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/2
186 186/3 3. Gordon Childe NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/3
186 186/4 4. Goldman Hetty NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/4
186 186/5 5. Haidukevych V.F. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/5
186 186/6 6. Harmatta J. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/6
186 186/7 7. Holubowicz W. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/7
186 186/8 8. Horedt R. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/8
186 186/9 9. Hoshkevych V.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/9
186 186/10 10. Zlatkovska T., Grakov B. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/10
186 186/11 11. Grakov B.N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/11
186 186/12 12. Dobrovolsky L. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/12
186 186/13 13. Dovzhenok V.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 186/13
187 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187
187 187/1 1. Ebert Max NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/1
187 187/2 2. Eisner Jan NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/2
187 187/3 3. Izyumova S.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/3
187 187/4 4. Jamra Rudolf NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/4
187 187/5 5. Illinska V.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/5
187 187/6 6. Jazdzewski Konrad NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/6
187 187/7 7. Jasnosz Stanislaw NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/7
187 187/8 8. Zhebelev S.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/8
187 187/9 9. Zograf A.N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/9
187 187/10 10. On the question of farming. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 187/10
188 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188
188 188/1 1. Kavalenya A.Z. and Shutau S.S. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/1
188 188/2 2. Knipovich T.N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/2
188 188/3 3. Kostrzewski Bogdan NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/3
188 188/4 4. Kostrzewski Jozef NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/4
188 188/5 5. Krychivsky E. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/5
188 188/6 6. Krupnov E.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/6
188 188/7 7. Ka Martin NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/7
188 188/8 8. Kulakovsky Y.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/8
188 188/9 9. Kuftin B.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/9
188 188/10 10. Kukharenko Y.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 188/10
189 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189
189 189/1 1. Latyshev V.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/1
189 189/2 2. Lahodovska O.F. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/2
189 189/3 3. Langova O.E. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/3
189 189/4 4. Levenok V.P. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/4
189 189/5 5. Liberov P.D. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/5
189 189/6 6. Linka K.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/6
189 189/7 7. Lips NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/7
189 189/8 8. Lyudanski A.N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/8
189 189/9 9. Lutskovich L. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/9
189 189/10 10. Lyapushkin I.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/10
189 189/11 11. Malinowski Tadeusz NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/11
189 189/12 12. Marciniak Jozef NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/12
189 189/13 13. Megay Geza NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/13
189 189/14 14. Melyukova A.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/14
189 189/15 15. Melnykovska O.N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/15
189 189/16 16. Merpert N.Ya. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/16
189 189/17 17. Miller A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/17
189 189/18 18. Minns Ellis H. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/18
189 189/19 19. Mitrofanov A.G. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/19
189 189/20 20. Mongait A.L. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/20
189 189/21 21. Mooza N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/21
189 189/22 22. Moberg Carl-Axel NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/22
189 189/23 23. Mosberg H.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 189/23
190 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 190
190 190/1 1. Makhno Y.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 190/1
191 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191
191 191/1 1. Obolduyeva T.H. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/1
191 191/2 2. Nikishin I.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/2
191 191/3 3. Noser Stefan NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/3
191 191/4 4. Parducz Mihaly NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/4
191 191/5 5. Passek T.S. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/5
191 191/6 6. Pokrovska Y. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/6
191 191/7 7. Pyatycheva N.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/7
191 191/8 8. Parvan Vasile NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 191/8
192 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192
192 192/1 1. Reyman T. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/1
192 192/2 2. Rostovtsev M.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/2
192 192/3 3. Rau Paul NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/3
192 192/4 4. Rudinsky M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/4
192 192/5 5. Rybakov B.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/5
192 192/6 6. Rudnicki Mieczysław NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/6
192 192/7 7. Semenov-Zuser S. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/7
192 192/8 8. Samoylovsky I.M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/8
192 192/9 9. Sakhanov V.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/9
192 192/10 10. Semenchik M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/10
192 192/11 11. Slavin L.M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/11
192 192/12 12. Smishko M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/12
192 192/13 13. Sosnovsky K. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/13
192 192/14 14. Spitsyn A.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 192/14
193 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193
193 193/1 1. Stojanowski Karol NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193/1
193 193/2 2. Sulimiszki Tadeusz NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193/2
193 193/3 3. Teremozhkin A.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193/3
193 193/4 4. Tikhonova M.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193/4
193 193/5 5. Tolstov S.P. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193/5
193 193/6 6. Tretyakov P.N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193/6
193 193/7 7. Trubnikova N.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 193/7
194 Extracts from various authors on archaeology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194
194 194/1 1. Fabritsius I.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/1
194 194/2 2. Farmakovsky B.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/2
194 194/3 3. Khudyak M.M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/3
194 194/4 4. Khvoyka V.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/4
194 194/5 5. Chubova A.P. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/5
194 194/6 6. Shilov V.P. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/6
194 194/7 7. Shramko B.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/7
194 194/8 8. Shtern E.R. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/8
194 194/9 9. Shtitelman F.M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/9
194 194/10 10. Schultz P.N. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/10
194 194/11 11. Vouga Paul NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/11
194 194/12 12. Jakobson A.L. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/12
194 194/13 13. Yarotsky Y.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/13
194 194/14 14. Efendiyev M.M. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 194/14
195 195/1 1. A review of V. Petrov’s work ‘Personal Names’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 195/1
195 195/2 2. ‘Personal Names in Epigraphic monuments of the Northern Black Sea Region’ (Subject, direction and methodology of studies). Published partially. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 195/2
196 A review on the work of S. V. Yushkov ‘Essays on the history of the emergence and initial development of feudalism in Kyivan Rus’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 196
197 197/1 1. Reviews by V. Petrov of the works by M. Braichevsky, I.I. Shovkoplyas, and E.V. Maksimov. Volume I, Ukrainian SSR. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 197/1
197 197/2 2. Reviews of works by V. P. Petrov. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 197/2
198 198/1 1. Moscow: Archeology, History. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 198/1
198 198/2 2. Extracts from the history of France. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 198/2
199 199/1 1. Race theory in modern Germanic folklore studies. Theses. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 199/1
199 199/2 2. Reflection of the race theory (in German). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 199/2
200 Ethnography. Research on religious beliefs. Draft answers to the questions of the ethnographic commission of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 200
201 Extracts about the ancient Slavic gods. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 201
202 Ancient Slavic gods and their origin. Drafts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 202
203 Ethnography, extracts, religious cults of the northern populations. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 203
204 Ethnography. Beliefs about fire in ancient society are a reflection of the economic system. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 204
205 Ritual folklore of the family cycle. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 205
206 Ethnography. Extracts on religion rituals. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 206
207 Ethnography. Extracts on religion rituals of the people of the North. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 207
208 Ethnography. Ideological representations of the people of the North. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 208
209 Ideological beliefs of the peoples of Siberia. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 209
210 Ethnographic materials on blood feuds among the people of the Caucasus. Life, housing, and family relations of the Letiuls, Ostyaks, and Georgians. Bear hunting by the people of the Far East. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 210
211 The main problems of folklore and ideology of the primitive-communal (system) period. Monograph. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 211
212 Notes on the social system. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 212
212 212/1 1. Gilyatske society of the age of appropriation. Bear games. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 212/1
212 212/2 2. A tribal society. Slave society. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 212/2
213 Notes on superstructural aspects. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213
213 213/1 1. House. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/1
213 213/2 2. Agriculture NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/2
213 213/3 3. Names of the gods NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/3
213 213/4 4. On the problem of folklore studying NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/4
213 213/5 5. Criticism of bourgeois revisionists NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/5
213 213/6 6. Pro-Aryan nationalist theory NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/6
213 213/7 7. The cult of fire NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/7
213 213/8 8. Ukrainian house NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 213/8
214 Feedback to the USE editorial office on articles by Berezovsky, Stryzhak, and Yatsenko and the publication of a historical-ethnographic monograph. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 214
215 History of writing. Notes. Pt 1. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 215
216 History of writing. Notes. Pt 2. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 216
217 Slavic Runology. Pt 1. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 217
218 Slavic Runology. Pt 2. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 218
219 About the oldest Slavic writing. Slavic writing based on archaeological monuments. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 219
220 Types of inscriptions on materials of ancient times. Extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 220
221 From the history of the term ‘Kar’ hillfort. 2 copies. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 221
222 Linguistics. Extracts. About the term ‘Kar’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 222
223 Linguistics. Extracts. About the term ‘Kar’. Continuation NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 223
224 Linguistics. Extracts. About the term ‘Kar’. Continuation NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 224
225 Linguistics. Extracts. About the term ‘Kar’. Continuation NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 225
226 Linguistics. Extracts. About the term ‘Kar’. Continuation NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 226
227 Extracts: semantics of certain terms in Slavic languages with the development of social production. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 227
228 Extracts: semantics of certain terms in Slavic languages with the development of social production. The cult of fire. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 228
229 Hydronymic atlas of Ukraine. Catalogue. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 229
230 The hydronymy of the Upper Dniester region. Stryi. Three copies with notes by the authors. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 230
231 231/1 1.Ethnogenesis of the Slavs. Linguistic sources. Hydronymy. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 231/1
231 231/2 2. Hydronyms of the Upper Dniester region. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 231/2
232 232/1 1. Hydronyms of Ukraine according to ancient sources in the book ‘Ukrainian dialectology and onomastics (Collection of articles)’ by Naukova Dumka 1964. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 232/1
232 232/2 2. ‘Hydronymy of the Upper Dnipro region’ in the book ‘Onomastics’. Naukova Dumka 1966. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 232/2
232 232/3 3. Baltic and Slavic in the hydronym of Ukraine. 3rd Republican onomastic (hydronymic) conference. Theses. 1965. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 232/3
233 Second republican onomastic meeting (Theses). Names of the rivers of Ukraine according to ancient sources K. 1962 NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 233
234 Toponyms. Extracts. From the toponyms and ethnonyms of Podnistrovia. Theses of the report. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 234
235 235/1 1. On the methodology of studying personal names in the epigraphic monuments of the Northern Black Sea region. The first republican toponymic meeting. Theses of reports. K.1959. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 235/1
235 235/2 2. Hydronymy of the Upper Dniester (experience of building a methodology of hydronymic study). All Union Conference on Toponymy of the USSR. Theses of reports and messages. L. 1965. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 235/2
236 Bibliography. Extracts. Linguistics. Archaeology. History. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 236
237 ‘Science and the Creation of Communism’. Report at the methodological seminar (Recommended for publication). NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 237
238 Plans of the maidans in the former Chyhyryn district. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 238
239 Extracts: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 239
239 239/1 1. The sacrificial place – mudor NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 239/1
239 239/2 2. Nils Aberg – extracts NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 239/2
239 239/3 3. Y.V. Gauthier on the Alans in Early Rus History NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 239/3
239 239/4 4. Descartes about fire – extracts. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 239/4
240 Abstracts of dissertations in philology: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 240
240 240/1 1. A.N. Zalesky NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 240/1
240 240/2 2. Y.K. Redko NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 240/2
240 240/3 3. M.S. Rogal NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 240/3
240 240/4 4. I.S. Nazarova NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 240/4
241 241/1 1. Article ‘Zarubyntsi grave field’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 241/1
241 241/2 2. ‘Maslovsky grave field’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 241/2
242 Articles: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 242
242 242/1 1. ‘Slavic writing according to archaeological monuments’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 242/1
242 242/2 2. ‘Early Slavic monuments of the Korchak type‘ (’Materials…’ No. 108) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 242/2
242 242/3 3. ‘Stetsovka, settlement of the third quarter of the 1st millennium AD’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 242/3
242 242/4 4. ‘Engels on the clan structure of the ancient Germanic peoples’. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 242/4
243 243/1 1. Literary studies of P. Kulish’s work ‘The Great Stranger’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 243/1
243 243/2 2. Gogol’s ‘Viy’. Folklore sources. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 243/2
243 243/3 3. The meaning of M. Gogol’s work. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 243/3
243 243/4 4. ‘The Enchanted Place’ by M. Gogol. Folklore sources. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 243/4
243 243/5 5. Materials about M. Gogol. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 243/5
244 G. Zhurakivskyi’s work ‘Poltava Educational Society of the late 50s – early 60s of the 19th century’ edited and translated by V. Petrov. Pt 1. Published in short form. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 244
245 G. Zhurakivskyi’s work ‘Poltava Educational Society of the late 50s – early 60s of the 19th century’ edited and translated by V. Petrov. Pt 2. Published in short form. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 245
246 G. Zhurakivsky’s work ‘Kyiv Sunday Schools of the late 1850s and early 1860s’ edited and translated into russian by V.P. Petrov. Published. G. Zhurakovsky ‘From the history…’ NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 246
247 Kosaniv grave field as a monument of Chernyakhiv culture. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 247
248 Volyn group of monuments (Korchak). Unpublished. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 248
249 249/1 1. Lower Dnipro region in the II c. BC – II c. AD in its relations with Middle Dnipro region. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 249/1
249 249/2 2. Ceramics and ceramic production of the Lower Dnipro in monuments of the Gavrilovka-Zolotaya Balka type (II century BC – II century AD) Chapter 3. Unpublished. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 249/2
250 Ceramics and ceramic production of the Middle Dnipro area in the monuments of the Zarubynsti culture. Part I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 250
251 Ceramics and ceramic production of the Middle Dnipro area in the monuments of the Zarubynsti culture. Part II. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 251
252 Ceramics of the Scythian period. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 252
253 Extracts to the topic: The Lower Dnipro region in the II c. BC – II c. AD in relation to the Middle Dnipro region. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 253
254 About primitive society and the remnant of the tribal system in Russia. Final version. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 254
255 255/1 1. About the tribal system among the ancient Germanic peoples. On the work of Udaltsov A.D. ‘The Family System of the Ancient Germanic Peoples’. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 255/1
255 255/2 2. Engels’s doctrine of the clan and the ideology of the tribal society. Unpublished. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 255/2
256 A sketch on the history of the emergence of feudal land tenure. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 256
257 Topographic conditions of the Trypillian culture. Unpublished. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 257
258 Problems of the Genesis of Feudalism (Kievan Rus) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 258
259 Zarubyntsi-Korchuvate culture. Published. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 259
260 The Origin of the Slavs and the Problem of Baltic-Slavic Unity. Unpublished. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 260
261 Archaeology and Sociology. Forms of sociological constructions of archaeology as a science. Published NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 261
262 Ancestral mothers. Anthropomorphic images of ancestral mothers. Unpublished. 1st and 2nd versions. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 262
263 Shakhmatov and the problem of ethnogenesis. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 263
264 On the genesis of classes. Excerpts from the text. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 264
265 Philology. V. Yurgevych, “About the Names”. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 265
266 Materials for the dictionary of the Old Prussian language. Card catalogue. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/1 1. Part of speech: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/1
266 Noun NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Adverb NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Preposition NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Numerals NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Participle NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Adjective NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/2 2. Part of speech: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/2
266 Verb NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Tenses (past, present, future) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/3 3. Part of speech: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/3
266 Pronouns NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/4 4. Singular/plural cases NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/4
266 Nominative (singular/multiple) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Genitive (singular/multiple) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/5 5. Singular/plural cases NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/5
266 Dative (singular/multiple) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Accusative (singular/multiplicative) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Vocative NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Locative NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Instrument (explanation) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/6 6. Morphology. Various. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/6
266 266/7 7. Selections of similar words in different languages (in ‘Preusisch’, many I. Endzelin and Trautmann) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/7
266 266/8 8. Selections of similar words in different languages (Lithuanian, Latin, Latvian, Greek, Gothic) by Trautmann and Berneker NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/8
266 266/9 9. Extracts: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/9
266 Nesselmann (1843-1875) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 A. Leskien (1876) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/10 10. Extracts: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/10
266 E. Berneker «Die prussische Sprache» (1896) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 A. Leskien (1891) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 266/11 11. Extracts: I. Endzelin (1944) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/11
266 266/12 12. Extracts from various linguistic and ethnic sources (on separate sheets, many crossed out). 2 notebooks with comments. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/12
266 266/13 13. Extracts: G. Gerullis (1922) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/13
266 266/14 14. Extracts from various authors: NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266/14
266 M. Sсhulze (1897) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Mikkola (1903) і Trautmann NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 A. Sobolevskiy (1906) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Chr. S. Stang (1942) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Hans Krache (1954) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 K. Buga (1958) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
266 Thraker Sprache (1929) and books from 1881. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 266
267-270 Personal documents, invitations. Varia. Not sorted. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 267-270
271 Kyiv. Treasures. І NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 271
272 Kyiv. Treasures. ІI NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 272
273 Baltic and Slavic materials NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 1, spr. 273
1 Azadovska Lidiia Volodymyrivna NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 1
2 Atanasov Petko Kalushev (Bulgaria) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 2
3 Baran Volodymyr Danylovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 3
4 B’iernia P.P. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 4
5 Bibikov Serhii Mykolaiovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 5
6 Bodianskyi Oleksandr Vsevolodovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 6
7 Braichevska Alla Trokhymivna NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 7
8 Vyhovska O.I. (Leningrad) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 8
9 Vynokur I.S. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 9
10 Volkov A.R. (Chernivtsi) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 10
11 Hasai Ye.O. (Ternopil) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 11
12 Hippius V.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 12
13 Hrynavetskene E. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 13
14 Drachuk Viktor NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 14
15 Zaverniaiev F.N. (Bryansk) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 15
16 Ionitsa I. (Romania) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 16
17 Kalynova O.M. (Prague) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 17
18 Kyryliuk Ye. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 18
19 Kompan O.S. (Kyiv) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 19
20 Korniienko Kateryna Semenivna NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 20
21 Kravchenko Nadiia NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 21
22 Kropotkin V. (Moskow) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 22
23 Kubyshev Anatolii Ivanovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 23
24 Kuznietsova Serafima Mykhailivna NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 24
25 Larin B.A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 25
26 Lysiuk P.P. (Kyiv) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 26
27 Linka Nadiia Volodymyrivna NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 27
28 Makarevych Mykhailo Leontiiovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 28
29 Maksymov Yevhen Volodymyrovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 29
30 Mohylianskyi NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 30
31 Kropotkin V. (Moscow) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 31
32 Pachkova Svitlana Petrivna NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 32
33 Pomerantseva Erna Vasylivna (Moscow) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 33
34 Ratych O. (Lviv) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 34
35 Rybakov Borys Oleksandrovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 35
36 Rutkivska Lukeriia Markiianivna NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 36
37 Riabyi M.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 37
38 Serednytskyi A. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 38
39 Symonovych E. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 39
40 Synytsin M.S. (Odesa) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 40
41 Soroka S.K. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 41
42 Stryzhak O.S. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 42
43 Terenozhkin Oleksii Ivanovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 43
44 Tretiakov P.N. (Leningrad) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 44
45 Filin F.P. (Moscow) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 45
46 Shevchenko Liudmyla (Kyiv) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 46
47 Shovkoplias Ivan Havrylovych NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 47
48 Shults Pavlo NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 48
49 Shchukin M.B. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 49
50 Yahodzynskyi M.I. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 50
51 Ethnographic Commission of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 51
52 Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 52
53 Letters from various foreign addressees NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 53
54 Unspecified addressees NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 2, spr. 54
Negatives and photos from the V.P. Petrov Fond.
Kyiv Historical Museum
1 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 1
2 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 2
3 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 3
4 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 4
5 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 5
6 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 6
7 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 7
8 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 8
9 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 9
10 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 10
11 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 11
12 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 12
13 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 13
14 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 14
15 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 15
16 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 16
17 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 17
18 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 18
19 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 19
20 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 20
21 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Cups. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 21
22 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 22
23 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 23
24 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 24
25 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 25
26 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 26
27 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 27
28 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 28
29 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 29
30 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics (sheets) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 30
31 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 31
32 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 32
33 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 33
34 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 34
35 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 35
36 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 36
37 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 37
38 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 38
39 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 39
40 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 40
41 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 41
42 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 42
43 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 43
44 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 44
45 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 45
46 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 46
47 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 47
48 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 48
49 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 49
50 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 50
51 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots + vases + 3 cups + 4 cups NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 51
52 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 52
53 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 53
54 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 54
55 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Vases. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 55
56 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 56
57 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 57
58 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 58
59 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 59
60 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 60
61 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls (2), Jugs (16), Buckets (8) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 61
62 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 62
63 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Cups. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 63
64 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Cups. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 64
65 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 65
66 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 66
67 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 67
68 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 68
69 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Bowls NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 69
70 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 70
71 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 71
72 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Pots. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 72
73 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Jugs. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 73
74 Chernyakhiv. Ceramics. Cups, fragments NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 74
75 Zarubyntsi culture. Cups. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 75
76 Chernyakhiv, various parts. Jugs NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 76
77 Ceramics from various Scythian mounds. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 77
78 Excavations by Zborovskyi and others. Zhurovka, Kurilovka, Zlodiivka, Krasnyi les NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 78
79 Trypillia statuettes NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 79
80 Gavrilovske hillfort. Ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 80
81 Shyryaevske hillfort. Excavations by Illinska NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 81
82-83 Nesmyrivske hillfort. Ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 82-83
84 Sharpivske hillfort (ceramics of the Jabotinsky type from the collection of the History Museum) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 84
85 Sharpivka hillfort. Ceramics. 1946 р. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 85
86 Ceramics of Scythian mounds. Excavations by Bobrinsky NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 86
87 Scythian mounds NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 87
88 Ceramics of Scythian mounds NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 88
89 Ceramics of Scythian mounds NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 89
90 Ceramics of Scythian and Sarmatian burial mounds. Excavations by Bobrinsky NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 90
91 Ceramics of Scythian and Sarmatian burial mounds. Excavations by Bobrinsky NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 91
92 Chernyakhiv, Pryvilne, Fedorivka. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 92
93 Chernyakhiv, Pryvilne, Fedorivka. Petrivka, Novo-Alexandrivka NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 93
94 Chernyakhiv, Pryvilne, Fedorivka. Petrivka, Novo-Alexandrivka NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 94
95 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 95
96 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 96
Negatives on glass
97 Korchuvate grave field. Skull. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 97
98 Chernyakhiv, pottery NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 98
99 Lepesivka, Lepovytsia, Lukivka, Monastyryshche, Mykolaivka, Chernyakhiv (excavations by Khvoyka) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 99
100 Zarubyntsi ceramics. Basivka, Arovshchyna, Bobrytsia, Zarubyntsi, etc. (V. Lytovska-1, Vyshenky(?)-4) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 100
101 Kyiv. Shestovytsa, etc. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 101
102 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 102
103 Zarubyntsi ceramics, Chenyakhiv. vessel NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 103
104 Zarubyntsi ceramics, Chenyakhiv. vessel NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 104
105 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 105
106 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 106
107 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 107
108 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 108
109 Zarubyntsi ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 109
110 Zarubyntsi and Chernyakhiv ceramics (including Trakhtemyriv) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 110
111 Chernyakhiv, Pryvilne. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 111
112 Photos from various publications. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 112
113 Photos from various publications. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 113
114 Chernyakhiv, Rus’ ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 114
115 Chernyakhiv, Rus’ ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 115
116 Maslovsky grave field. Chernyakhiv (plans). Film, negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 116
117 Romashkivske grave field. Burial (1 burial from Zarubyntsi) NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 117
118 Zarubyntsi ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 118
119 Pylypenkova Gora. Kaniv. Large hillfort. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 119
120 Pylypenkova Gora. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 120
121 Medieval ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 121
122 Zarubyntsi and Chernyakhiv ceramics. Korchuvate, Bystryk, Chyhyryn NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 122
123 Zarubyntsi and Chernyakhiv ceramics from various sites. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 123
124 Zarubyntsi ceramics. Pylypenkova Gora. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 124
125 Millstone NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 125
126 Maslovsky grave field. Vyshenky, Novo-Alexandrivka, etc. Coins from Chernyakhiv. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 126
127 Novo-Alexandrivka. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 127
128 Pottery. Rosava, Subotiv, Dedovshchyna. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 128
129 Zarubyntsi ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 129
130 Zhytyn settlement, ceramics, Velbar culture. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 130
131 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 131
132 Bystryk and Bobrytsya. Negative on glass NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 132
133 Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 133
134 Maslovo, Chernyakhiv, Romashka, ceramics. Negative on glass NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 134
135 Maslovsky grave field. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 135
136 Reproductions from various publications. Hoshkevych IAK-56, stored by the Poltava Museum NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 136
137 Reproductions by Almren(?) Glume(?). Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 137
138 Reproductions by Ebert(?) and others. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 138
139 Reproductions by Nomevsky(?), Smishko(?). Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 139
140 Korchuvate, ceramics. Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 140
141 Korchuvate, ceramics. Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 141
142 Rzhyshchiv, Romashky, Zarubyntsi and Chernyakhiv ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 142
143 Maslovsky grave field. Chernyakhiv ceramics fragments. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 143
144 Chernyakhiv, pottery. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 144
145 Chernyakhiv, pottery. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 145
146 Chernyakhiv, pottery. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 146
147 Chernyakhiv, pottery. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 147
148 Korchuvate, Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 148
149 Korchuvate, Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 149
150 Korchuvate, Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 150
151 Korchuvate. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 151
152 Korchuvate. Drawing sheets. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 152
153 Scythian ceramics from the excavations by Bobrynskyi. Korchuvate, etc. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 153
154 Korchuvate. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 154
155 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 155
156 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. + 1 drawing sheet. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 156
157 Photo tables of the Chernyakhiv graveyard (drawings). Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 157
158 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 158
159 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Tables from publications. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 159
160 Negatives from the publication of Khvoyka V.V. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 160
161 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 161
162 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 162
163 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 163
164 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 164
165 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 165
166 Chernyakhiv, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 166
167 Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 167
168 Zarubyntsi ceramics. Negative on glass NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 168
169 Korchuvate, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 169
170 Korchuvate, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 170
171 Korchuvate, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 171
172 Maslovo, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 172
173 Maslovo, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 173
174 Maslovo, ceramics. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 174
175 Chernyakhiv coins: Olshanka, Zarubyntsi – Pukhova. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 175
176 Chernyakhiv: Didovshchyna, Sarmatians – Irysevo. Negative on glass. NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 176
177 Volyntsevo NA IA NANU, f. 16, op. 3, spr. 177