34. Cultural Monuments of the “Urnfields”. Continuation

  • Archival Number: NA IA NANU, f. 16, spr. 34
  • Author: Viktor Petrov
  • Original Title: Cultural Monuments of the “Urnfields”
  • Language of the Document: Ukrainian
  • Date of the Document: 1930s
  • Method of Reproduction: Typewritten
  • Number of Pages: 70
  • External Formatting: Corrections in the text with blue ink
  • Material: Paper
  • Description: Manuscript text (typewritten with author’s corrections) prepared by V. Petrov for the first volume of the collection of cultural monuments of the “urnfields.” It includes an introductory article; a section titled “Individual Items and Artifacts from Collections”; text “From the Editor” (autograph of V. P. Petrov and typewritten); table of contents for the first volume (typewritten with corrections by V. P. Petrov); lists of tables (autograph of V. P. Petrov); illustration tables.


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