243/5. Hohol’s “Viy”. Part 3.

  • Archival number: IA NANU, f. 16, item 243/5
  • Author: Viktor Petrov
  • Language of the document: Ukrainian, russian
  • Date of the document: 1930s
  • Reproduction method: handwriting
  • Number of pages: 494
  • External appearance: blue ink, black ink, green ink, pencil
  • Material: paper
  • Description: Autograph and typescript of some parts of the text “Viy [Folklore and Literary Sources of M. V. Hohol’s story ‘Viy’]”, which was first published as sections of the preface to M. V. Hohol’s story “Viy” in the following edition: [Petrov V.] Viy. Gogol N. V. The complete works. Moscow: Izd-vo AN USSR, 1937. VOL. 2. PP. 735-748. This subfolder also contains a large number of paper cards with excerpts from Hohol’s works; works by other researchers, including literary critics, folklorists, and ethnographers; plots of folk tales and stories; research observations and theses by V. Petrov himself. The reverse side contains mostly working papers of the Ethnographic Commission of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Some of these papers are dated 1929.

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