V. P. Petrov, N. M. Kravchenko. 1961/7-e. Report of the Kosaniv Detachment of the South-Buh Expedition on the Excavations of the Chernyakhiv Culture Grave Field in the Village of Kosanove (Report Text)

  • Archival Number: NA IA NANU, f. 64, spr. 1961/7-e
  • Authors: Viktor Petrov, Nadiia Kravchenko
  • Original Title: Report of the Kosaniv Detachment of the South-Buh Expedition on the Excavations of the Chernyakhiv Culture Grave Field in the Village of Kosanove
  • Language of the Document: russian
  • Date of the Document: 1961
  • Reproduction Method: typewritten
  • Number of Pages: 23 + illustrations
  • Material: Paper
  • Description: Report of the Kosaniv Detachment of the South-Buh Expedition on the Excavations of the Chernyakhiv Culture Grave Field in the Village of Kosanove in 1961. Text of the report.

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